Company Details

Liaunig Industrieholding AG
Bösendorferstraße 6
A-1010 Vienna

Telephone: +43 1 505-73-31-0
Fax: +43 1 505-73-31-29

Legal form: Joint stock corporation [Aktiengesellschaft], registered office: Vienna
Commercial Register: FN 375014 t, Vienna Commercial Court


Copyright for all contributions rests with Liaunig Industrieholding AG. For individual contributions and pictures, the rights are held by the authors and photographers. All rights reserved. Use of texts requires the written agreement of Liaunig Industrieholding AG. Use of the pictures is expressly not permitted.


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External content represents exclusively an indicator, to which we refer by means of a hyperlink. Liaunig Industrieholding AG accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of these external websites. If any of the websites contains material of a dubious nature, please let us know. In such cases the link will be removed immediately.


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Liaunig Industrieholding AG
Bösendorferstraße 6
A-1010 Wien

Telephone: +43 1 505-73-31-0
Fax: +43 1 505-73-31-29